Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blog Task Week 1

Self Study Questions:

1. Blog is Short For "Web Log"
2. Wiki is a site on the internet that anyone can edit.
3. The format of an IPv4 IP Address is a 32 bit binary number, Formated like The range of numbers is between 0 and 255.
4. Out of org, int, ant and mil the domain that is not in the top level is ant.
5.The type of HTTP request that is normally used to send data to the server is POST.
6. The port number for non-secure HTTP connections is usually port 80.
7.The name that is given to web based resources that are not public but only available behing the org's firewall is the intranet
8. The window based application links in portal sometimes are called Portlets....
9. Wikipedia is a site that is like an encyclopedia that anyone can edit or create entries. (Wikipedia is not always right)
10. n-tier architecture is a large number of pcs "running different parts of the system across multiple teirs." (page 12)


1.1) Looking up some sites with Top level domain names: An example of an org is (Research and info on sustainbly environment.), Example of a edu is (resouces contributed by educators), Example of a mil is (US defense department's registry service for its military top level domain), and last example of a top level domain for int is (The ITU, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland).
Now for a few examples that are top level domains not featured on the diagram on page 6: (IT&T consultancy.), (rail and coach network), (global mark of cooperative identity), (information about anything to do with australia formatted for mobile devices.).

1.2) Finding online web based word processors: Google Docs, Buzzword, WriteToMyBlog.

Playing around with the word processors i'm guessing that most of the layers in the word processing example would be applied to the tiers. The business logic tier might be a difficult one for the online word processors but other than that the rest can work with the programs.

The blog is actually, as SMH wrote, one of the worlds best blogs. the site is called Techdirt and features many tech blogs. The author of one of top posters makes very detailed post on what is in the tech news and writes it out in detail. The reason it seems so popular is because its not only interesting to read, it can also produce discussion on the opions of the writer.

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